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Welcome to Valley Hope TeleCare

Welcome to Valley Hope TeleCare!

Tech Support

Please report the following issues directly to the Information Services Department at (877) 907-8324 OR (785) 877-4102:
  • Difficulty accessing your therapy room
  • Issues with your user name or password being rejected
  • Problems with your therapy room, chat or messaging system
Please report the following issues directly to your Internet Service Provider:
  • Unable to connect to alternate sites such as google.com or msn.com
  • Issues with your modem, router or switch

Alternatives for care

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

In the event of a medical, psychiatric or other situation requiring face to face intervention, the patient / family group member is
responsible for seeking appropriate help. Nationwide crisis intervention and help resources in the United States included the following:
  • Suicide: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org OR 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Valley Hope will also provide information about existing alternatives for care and treatment to patients and/or families at their request, without violating confidentiality. Valley Hope may also provide referrals to outside supportive services, as deemed appropriate, including other health care professionals and face to face group therapy sessions.

Individuals unable to maintain sobriety while participating in continuing care group therapy will be referred to an appropriate level of care.